
Managing Director

Dr. Robert Velten M.A. studied philosophy, sociology and economics at Münster University. He held a leading positon as a research associate at the InWIS Institute and as a head of asset management at the Institute for Weathibility of the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna. From 2009 to 2016 he taught over 1000 hours of economics and social sciences, especially concerning capital markets and strategic management at the EBZ Business School in Bochum. In addition, he is an honorary author of scientific textbooks about international financial reporting and financial markets. Furthermore, as the head of the Vermögenspraxis Robert Velten exercised the functions of a management consultant and capital market researcher for several years. In 2017 his book Mehr als Reichtum - (More than Wealth) is published at Wiley. Nowadays he works as a lecturer for accounting and finance at FOM, the largest private university in Germany. Being the founder of Velten Asset Management GmbH, he is the initiator and advisor of the Velten Strategie Deutschland Funds (ISIN: DE000A2ATCU8).


Dr Christian Hensel is Senior Manager at PWC and responsible for the continuance of the Velten Asset Magement GmbH.

Director of Research

Sarah Chiyad B.A. studied at Münster University and was responsible for the creation of the data base of the Feinhals GmbH before being employed by the Vermögenspraxis Research and Consulting. For the Velten Asset Management GmbH she researches financial reports of companies and coordinates the work on the data bases.


Joh. Berenberg Gossler & Co. KG

DWPT Deutsche Wertpapiertreuhand GmbH

Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH

Dr. Robert Velten

Phone: 0049 176 64649928